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Showing posts from September, 2018

Vegas: A Place For Fun & Meltdowns At Evil Dead

A couple years ago in Vegas one of the things I was really wanting to go see was the Evil Dead parody play because I had watched the movie recently and I love scary things. My mom being the good mom agreed to go with me (thank you mom). I wasn't 21 yet so we got in line quite a bit early since it was getting pretty late but my mom had a few beers before on the walk there. As the night went on the and the line got longer we weren't moving and it had been over an hour that we had been standing there waiting to get in. My mom was starting to get a bit impatient at this point. FINALLY a few of the actors came out to the line to start letting people in but first they decided to dance around some... I was looking at the different costumes, they were dressed like zombies and some of the guys were dressed like women when I hear a yell from a familiar voice "Let's get this show on the road!" I glared over at my mom who was the one yelling this! Now I'm getting nervous

The Chronicles of Living With a Guy Pt. 1

It was a peaceful Thursday morning just like any other morning. I was going to get up for work soon but was enjoying my last few minutes laying in bed relaxing. All of a sudden I hear yells for help and what sounded like a fire hydrant exploded! I'm laying there still half asleep thinking to myself wtf?! Once I finally get up and make my way to the room all of these sounds are coming from I realize it's my boyfriend holding my (was full) can of hairspray that he knocked over and broke the lid off and it's spraying uncontrollably! He keeps asking for help and I'm at a loss because in all my years of using hairspray and the countless cans I've gone thru this had never happened to me so I didn't know how to fix the problem! 🤷🏻‍♀️ After a good couple of minutes of this we got the cap secured back on and luckily I was able to use it (although it now sprays sideways😂) and go on with our days after getting the excitement out of the way. Needless to say the floor