Once upon a time when I still had my red convertible it decided to turn into a transformer. This may not make a ton of sense, so let me explain. At the time I was working at a clothing store in the mall and I was scheduled to work that night. Before I went into work I decided to run a few errands. My last errand before I headed into work was up at the college. After I was finished there I decided since it was such a nice afternoon out I would put my convertible top down, especially with there being only a few months in Montana that are actually warm enough to do this. I did the usual and pushed the button for the top to go down automatically. It started out like every other time and the trunk came open for the top to go inside of it. Only this time, it just quit after this step. I glared back at the trunk open towards me, in disbelief that the top was still on. This had never happened before so I started pressing the same button many more times trying to get the top to cooperate. I ...