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That Time My Convertible Turned Into a Transformer😬

Once upon a time when I still had my red convertible it decided to turn into a transformer. This may not make a ton of sense, so let me explain.

At the time I was working at a clothing store in the mall and I was scheduled to work that night. Before I went into work I decided to run a few errands. My last errand before I headed into work was up at the college. After I was finished there I decided since it was such a nice afternoon out I would put my convertible top down, especially with there being only a few months in Montana that are actually warm enough to do this.

I did the usual and pushed the button for the top to go down automatically. It started out like every other time and the trunk came open for the top to go inside of it. Only this time, it just quit after this step. I glared back at the trunk open towards me, in disbelief that the top was still on.

This had never happened before so I started pressing the same button many more times trying to get the top to cooperate. I started to become a little panicked because I was needing to head to work and now the trunk was stuck halfway open as well. On top of that, the skies decided to start getting grey and it looked like rain was heading my way, out of nowhere. Greeeat. 😒

After googling what the issue might be and not getting any luck, not knowing what to do I called my parents to save me. My dad showed up in a matter of a few minutes. He was also unsure of what to do, so he tried one thing.

He opened the trunk from the still closed end thinking that may help close it or something. Well it did not help the problem but rather now the WHOLE trunk was up in the air being held up by the two skinny metal hinges! It looked like my car drove right out of the Transformers movie, started to turn into it's alter ego, then decided to quit halfway thru and rest. I wish I would have taken a picture of this sight as explanations just don't do this specticle any justice.

By this point I decided to call Hertz where I had gotten my car and they said if I hurried they could take a look at it. Of course this drive was allll the way across town so I started the long trek including weird looks and stares every time I drove by someone. Greeeat. Not embarrassing at all. 😒

I finally made it to the destination and it took 3 guys to get the trunk back in it's right place. They told me what the problem most likely was (a hinge in the trunk that gets worn out easily in convertibles) and to be be cautious about putting the top down before it was fixed.

I drove away and even made it to work on time. 😅


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