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The Self-Honking Convertible Dilema

It was a nice spring day in May earlier this year. That particular day I was feeling very good about life and was in a very positive, uplifting mood. I even felt the need to post an Instagram picture about how good life was going. I decided to go to lunch at Subway (the usual) and stood in the usual long line that comes with this decision during the noon hour. I got my sandwich and went to sit in my car and eat with the rest of my lunch friends a.k.a. everyone else eating their lunch in their cars in parking lots.

I sat in my car and started eating when my red, sassy convertible honked without me touching the steering wheel, very loudly I might add. I looked to my left to see the kid in his car next to me giving me a weird look. I didn't think much of this somewhat embarrassing situation and decided to head back to work.

I start off down one of the busiest, fastest roads in town blasting some rock music. ALL OF A SUDDEN the honking starts again, but this time it is much more intense and mortifying. My cute little car's horn started blaring EXTREMELY loud and went nonstop for about a minute straight. Sounding like I slammed my hand down on my horn for everyone in my way to get the hell out of my way, I looked horrified and sheepishly to my left (again) as the car driving next to me at 45 MPH stopped dead in it's tracks thinking I was honking at them in some sort of state of emergency. As they sat in their lane wondering what in the world I was doing I threw my arms up in the air (although probably making the situation look more like a case of bad road rage) also wondering what could possibly going on.

I pulled off to the side of the road, restarted my car and luckily made it all the way to work with no more disruptions, thinking maybe just maybe it was some sort of weird fluke. I started making jokes about it to coworkers and friends thinking I was in the safe zone and it was actually kind of funny once I started to think about what had just played out.

The rest of the work day goes back to normal and I leave at the end of the day to go run to Target to get a few necessities and whatever else that store insists I need before I reach the checkout. As soon as I hit the parking  lot, which is only about a minute and a half away from work, my car does the unthinkable once again and even decides to outdo itself this time, starting with the horn blaring at the multiple people in the busy parking lot, turning into the panic alarm going off with absolutely nothing working to turn off the screeching and ending with my car completely dying in it's spot.

By now I've unfortunately lost my cool and the once funny story wasn't quite so funny anymore. After doing some back tracking I started to think it may be caused by an automatic starter I had very recently gotten installed. After a few minutes of rest my car roared back on and I cautiously made my way to the store that had installed my auto starter, thankfully with no honking along the way.

After the store's inspection they came to the conclusion that the auto starter was not the cause of the mysterious and very embarrassing honking. They mentioned they may have found the cause of the problem and fixed it but just in case, the next place I was to take my car was to the dealership to see if they could offer up any answers.

By now I was not wanting to even drive my car anywhere so my mom agreed to drive in front of me in case it would start honking, to save some random fellow drivers confusion about why I was honking at them. Between this and the fact that the workers had said that they may have found the cord causing the problem and fixed it, we took off from the parking lot. Within a matter of 5 seconds it started honking ONCE AGAIN. This time to make it even worse someone in the parking lot we were leaving echoed each honk by honking back. At this point I was not happy and beyond words.

We took off for the next store and fingers crossed the whole drive, made it without any interruptions. After a few hours of anticipation awaiting the news, it was exactly what I was hoping it would not be. The whole electrical system was shot and would need to be replaced.

Needless to say I now own a big truck and have yet to have these problems. LOL

In memory of my sassy little red convertible and the wind blowing through my hair:


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